Board Minutes 2024.02.14

The Gilmore City-Bradgate CSD Board of Directors held their Regular Meeting on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, in the Board Room, 402 SE E Ave, Gilmore City, IA  50541.                                                                        


The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by President Devin Ellrich.  The following members were present: Marsha Habben, Logan Peters, April Smith, and Abbi Telford.  Absent: None

Visitors:   Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson, Board Secretary Crystal Eggers, Principal Johanna Cooper, Daycare Director Darlene Box, Hannah Koppenhaver, Adalynn Koppenhaver, and Willow Barling. 

All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.

Approve Agenda:  Habben moved to approve the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Smith.  Motion carried.

Open Public Forum:  No comments

Educational News:    Principal Johanna Cooper updated the board about the iReady scores for students and our students are continuing to grow in both reading and math.  The student success committee continues to meet on a weekly basis to ensure students are getting the necessary support.  So far our data has shown great improvements for the students that have had support systems put in place.  One of my goals is to increase the community engagement at GC-B and to celebrate the great things we are doing here!       

Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson discussed with the board the different school funds and the uses for each of the funds.    

Daycare: Darlene Box updated the board that the daycare remains full and we have a waiting list. 

Old Business:  None 

Consent Agenda:  Habben moved to Approve Consent Agenda.  Approve Minutes; Approve Warrants, Approve Financial Reports as presented, Open Enrollments as presented, Fundraisers as presented, 2nd Reading of Board Policies: 503.01, 503.01R1, 503.02, and 503.08.  Seconded by Peters. Motion Carried.

New Business

1st Reading Board Policies: 502.07, 505.04, 605.06, and 605.06R1

Discussion was had on the Daycare Handbook. 

Discussion was had on the Early Retirement policy.

Public Hearing for the Proposed Property Tax was set for March 25, 2024 at 5:30 pm.

Peters moved to accept the resignation from Danielle Johnson as a Daycare Worker.  Seconded by Habben. Motion carried.

Habben moved to approve hiring Sophia Juenger as a Daycare Lead.  Seconded by Smith. Motion carried.

Motion made by Habben to enter Exempt Session per Iowa Code 20.17(3) – Negotiations Strategy at 6:09 pm.  Seconded by Smith.  Motion carried. 

Motion made by Habben to exit Exempt Session per Iowa Code 20.17(3) – Negotiations Strategy at 6:24 pm.  Seconded by Smith.  Motion carried.

Motion made by Habben to move into Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)c to discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters presently in litigation, or where litigation is imminent, if disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the board at 6:24 pm. Seconded by Smith. Roll Call vote: Ayes: Ellrich, Habben, Peters, Smith, Telford.  Nays: None. Motion carried.

Motion made by Habben to exit Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)c

to discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters presently in litigation, or where litigation is imminent, if disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the board at 6:40 pm. Seconded by Peters. Roll Call vote: Ayes: Ellrich, Habben, Peters, Smith, Telford.  Nays: None. Motion carried.

Habben moved to adjourn at 6:41 pm. Seconded by Smith.  Motion Carried.


______________________________________            ________________________________
Devin Ellrich, President                                                                    Crystal Eggers, Secretary