The Gilmore City-Bradgate CSD Board of Directors held their Regular Meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, in the Board Room, 402 SE E Ave, Gilmore City, IA 50541.
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by President Tawny Hoover. The following members were present: Tracy Dickey, Devin Ellrich, Marsha Habben, and Logan Peters.
Visitors: Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson, Board Secretary Crystal Eggers, and Principal Johanna Cooper.
All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.
Approve Agenda: Habben moved to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Ellrich. Motion carried.
Open Public Forum: No comments
Educational News: Principal Johanna Cooper updated the board that the Leadership team had a mini retreat in August. They worked on collaboration, planning, and personal growth. The beginning of the year picnic went well and she will continue to work on parent involvement with the school. Staff had new smart boards installed in their rooms and will get training for the use of them. Carpet was installed in a few rooms and has made the spaces more comfortable and hygienic.
Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson updated the board about upcoming policies that will be presented to the board in the next few months due to Senate File 496 that was recently passed. The chickens have found a new home so are no longer on school property. The West Bend FFA will be taking over the care of the bees. Dr. Olson presented the board with some preliminary count numbers. Official count day is the beginning of October.
Daycare Director Darlene Box submitted her report to the board updating them on upcoming closures for the Daycare. Thanksgiving Break, November 23rd and November 24th; Winter Break, December 24th through January 2nd. The week long closure will allow for deep cleaning and maintenance in the daycare rooms. Daycare remains full and has a waiting list. Employee turnover has been high with school starting and employees going back to the school side and other jobs.
Old Business: None
Consent Agenda: Habben moved to Approve Consent Agenda. Approve Minutes; Approve Warrants, Approve Financial Reports as presented; Open Enrollments; 2nd Reading of Board Policies 401.10, 407.01, 407.02, 407.03, 407.04; 1st Reading of Board Policies – 408.02, 408.03, 409.01, 409.02. Seconded by Dickey. Motion Carried.
New Business
Motion made by Dickey to approve Bank Iowa in Gilmore City as the official banking depository for the district for the 2023-2024 school year with the limit of $5,000,000. Seconded by Habben. Motion Carried.
Motion made by Habben to approve appoint Steve Avery as School Attorney for the 2023-2024 school year. Seconded by Ellrich. Motion Carried.
Motion made by Habben to approve Humboldt Independent as the Official Publication for the 2023-2024 school year. Seconded by Peters. Motion Carried.
Motion made by Habben to appoint Tracy Dickey as IASB Delegate to attend the IASB Delegate Assembly. Seconded by Ellrich. Motion Carried with Dickey abstaining from voting.
At 6:09 pm Habben made a motion to move into Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)c to discuss with counsel matters currently in litigation. Seconded by Dickey. Roll Call vote: Ayes: Hoover, Habben, Dickey, Ellrich, & Peters. Nays: None. Motion carried.
At 6:49 pm Habben made a motion to come out of Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)c to discuss with counsel matters currently in litigation. Seconded by Dickey. Roll Call vote: Ayes: Hoover, Habben, Dickey, Ellrich, & Peters. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Resignations: Motion was made by Habben to approve the termination of Diane Cronk. Seconded by Ellrich. Motion carried.
Contracts: Motion made by Habben to approve hiring Sheila Haley, Cleo Boles, Jade Kelly, Brooklyn Miller as Daycare Employees and Kelsey Mersch and Phylicia Gafford as Para Professionals. Seconded by Dickey. Motion Carried.
Habben moved to adjourn at 6:53 pm. Seconded by Ellrich. Motion Carried.
______________________________________ ________________________________
Tawny Hoover, President Crystal Eggers, Secretary