Board Minutes 2024.04.22

The Gilmore City-Bradgate CSD Board of Directors held their Regular Meeting on Monday, April 22, 2024, in the Board Room, 402 SE E Ave, Gilmore City, IA 50541.

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by President Devin Ellrich. The following members were present: Marsha Habben, April Smith, and Abbi Telford. Absent: Logan Peters

Visitors: Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson, Board Secretary Crystal Eggers, Jessica Nickman, Cathy Ohnemus, and Hannah Koppenhaver.

All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.

Approve Agenda: Habben moved to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried.

Open Public Forum: No comments

Educational News: Principal Johanna Cooper submitted her report to the board that LETRS training for our staff has concluded for this year. We will move on to the 2nd year of LETRS training next year for PD. ISASP testing will continue this week. On April 25th is our Spring Music Concert. April 30th will be a field trip for the school to Cooper’s Cove. On May 10 is the field trip to the Dairy Farm. We will be holding our Color Run event on May 10th. Last day of school is May 24th with an 11:00 am dismissal. We are still finalizing plans for summer camps. They will run for 3 weeks in June.

Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson talked with the board about the recent tornado warning that happened on April 16th. We had our students shelter in the tornado shelter area. Safety is the most important for our students and staff. We will look into policy on how to handle if parents want to pickup their children when a warning is in place.

Daycare: No monthly update.

Old Business: None

Consent Agenda: Habben moved to Approve Consent Agenda. Approve Minutes, Approve Warrants, Approve Financial Reports as presented, Open Enrollments as presented, Fundraisers as presented, 2nd Reading of Board Policies: 209.02, 405.08, 501.03, 505.08, 505.08R1. Seconded by Telford. Motion Carried.

New Business

1st Reading Board Policies: 507.08, 507.08R1, 601.01, 603.05

At 5:42 pm President Ellrich declared the Public Hearing for the FY2025 Budget open. Superintendent Olson reviewed the budget. At 5:56 pm President Ellrich declared the Public Hearing closed. It was moved by Habben to approve the FY2025 Budget. Seconded by Smith. Motion Carried.

At 5:57 pm President Ellrich declared the Public Hearing for the 2024-2025 School Calendar open. Superintendent Olson reviewed the calendar options. At 6:09 pm President Ellrich declared the Public Hearing closed. It was moved by Habben to approve the 2024-2025 School Calendar that is approved by the West Bend Mallard CSD on April 23, 2024. Seconded by Telford. Motion Carried.

Habben moved to approve the FY23 Audit as presented. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried

Habben moved to table the Weed Control Contract. Seconded by Telford. Motion carried.

Motion made by Habben to enter Exempt Session per Iowa Code 20.17(3) – Negotiations Strategy at 6:17 pm. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried.

Motion made by Habben to exit Exempt Session per Iowa Code 20.17(3) – Negotiations Strategy at 6:40 pm. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried

Habben moved to accept the retirement of Shelly Bickel. Seconded by Telford. Motion carried.

Habben moved to approve the Classified Salaries as presented which includes attending PLC time on Wednesdays, paid for snow days not made up, pay out of current year’s unused sick or personal time or roll them over to next year, and single health insurance paid by the district for all full time classified employees. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried.

Habben moved to adjourn at 6:46 pm. Seconded by Smith. Motion Carried.


Devin Ellrich, President    Crystal Eggers, Secretary