Citizens who have a place on the agenda may address the board on the issue of their concern during the discussion of that issue. The presiding officer will recognize these individuals to make their comments when the item of their concern is addressed during the meeting.
Citizens who wish to address the board on an agenda item may either notify the board secretary-treasurer of their desire by noon on the day of the meeting, or by completing, prior to the meeting, the Commenting on an Item Appearing on the Agenda section of the Intent to Address the Board Form which is available at the school district office. The presiding officer of the Board will recognize those individuals to speak at the appropriate time. Speakers are requested to keep their remarks brief, and no more than five (5) minutes in length.
Citizens may also address the Board on topics not on the agenda through the “Public Forum”. To address the Board at this time, citizens must, prior to the beginning of the meeting, complete the Using Public Forum section of the Intent to Address the Board Form which is available at the school district office. During the Public Forum, the presiding officer of the Board will call on citizens to speak in the order in which their forms were received. Public Forum participation will be limited to five (5) minutes per participant and twenty (20) minutes of Board meeting time. Any extension of that time must be approved by the Board.
The orderly process of the board meeting shall not be interfered with or disrupted. Board members may ask questions of the speakers after receiving permission from the chair. Only those speakers recognized by the chair during the open forum and for agenda items shall be allowed to speak. Comments by others are out of order, and the individual making the comments or an individual causing disruption may be asked to leave the board meeting.
Individuals who have a complaint about school district personnel may bring their complaint to the board of directors only after they have followed board policy on the bringing of citizen’s complaints.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 21; 22; 279.8 (2001).
Cross Reference: 205 Board Member Liability
210.8 Board Meeting Agenda
214 Public Hearings
307 Communication Channels
401.4 Employee Complaints
402.5 Public Complaints About Employees
502.4 Student Complaints and Grievances
Approved 01-15-90
Reviewed 01-16-95; 05-21-02; 11-20-06; 08-15-11; 02-10-16
Revised 02-21-95; 06-12-02