502.7 - Smoking - Drinking - Drugs

The board prohibits the distribution, dispensing, manufacture, possession, use, or being under the influence of beer, wine, alcohol, tobacco, other controlled substances, or "look alike" substances that appear to be tobacco, beer, wine, alcohol or controlled substances by students while on school district property or on property within the jurisdiction of the school district; while on school owned and/or operated school or chartered vehicles; while attending or engaged in school activities; and while away from school grounds if the misconduct will directly affect the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school district.

The board believes such illegal, unauthorized or contraband materials generally cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment or present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees, or visitors.

Violation of this policy by students will result in disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion.  Use, purchase or being in possession of cigarettes, tobacco or tobacco products for those under the age of eighteen, may be reported to the local law enforcement authorities.  Possession, use or being under the influence of beer, wine, alcohol and/or of a controlled substance may also be reported to the local law enforcement authorities.

Students who violate the terms of this policy may be required to satisfactorily complete a substance abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved by the school board.  If such student fails to satisfactorily complete such a program, the student may be subject to discipline including suspension or expulsion.

The board believes the substance abuse prevention program will include:

·      Age-appropriate, developmentally-based drug and alcohol curriculum for students in grades kindergarten through twelve, which address the legal, social, and health consequences of tobacco, drug and alcohol use and which provide information about effective techniques for resisting peer pressure to use tobacco, drugs or alcohol;

·      A statement to students that the use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol is wrong and harmful;

·      Standards of conduct for students that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, being under the influence of or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students on school premises or as part of any of its activities;

·      A clear statement that disciplinary sanctions, up to and including suspension or expulsion and referral for prosecution, will be imposed on students who violate the policy and a description of those sanctions;



Approved 01-15-90                        
Reviewed 11-18-9112-15-0301-21-08; 11-21-11; 05-11-16
Revised 12-16-91; 01-19-04