414.1 - Classified Employee Paid Vacations - Holidays - Personal Leave

The board will determine the amount of paid vacation, holidays and personal leave that will be allowed on an annual basis for classified employees.

Classified employees, hired before July 1, 2005, who work 12 months a year and have worked one year, unless the classified employee's contract indicates otherwise, will receive ten (10) days of vacation each year.  Classified Employees who have worked fifteen (15) continuous years will receive fifteen (15) days of vacation each year.  Classified employees who leave prior to the end of their contract will receive their pro rata share of vacation for the year.  Classified employees, hired after July 1, 2005, will not be granted vacation days.

The vacation may be taken any time during the school year when the vacation will not disrupt the school district operations.  The employee must submit a vacation request to the superintendent, who is responsible for determining whether the request will disrupt the school district operation.

All classified employees, hired before July 1, 2005 , who work twelve (12) months a year will be allowed a maximum of two (2) days of personal leave to accomplish personal business that cannot be conducted outside the work day.  The employee must, whenever possible, submit a personal leave request, stating the reason for the leave, three (3) days prior to the leave day.  This leave may be denied if it falls on the day before or the day after a holiday or vacation, it falls on a special day when services would be necessary, it would cause undue interruption to the education program or to a program demanding the employee's services to the department, or other reasons deemed relevant by the superintendent.  It is within the discretion of the superintendent to grant personal leave. Full time classified employees, hired after July 1, 2005, will be granted a maximum of three (3) days personal leave after one (1) year of employment and five (5) days every year thereafter not to accumulate.

Classified employees, hired before July 1, 2005, who work twelve months a year will be allowed nine (9) paid holidays.  The nine holidays are New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Classified employees, hired before July 1, 2005 who work less than 12 months a year will be allowed five (5) paid holidays.  The five holidays are Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day and Good Friday.  Classified employees, whether full-time or part-time, will have time off in concert with the school calendar.

Classified employees will be paid only for the hours they would have been scheduled for the day.  Vacation will not be accrued from year to year without a prior arrangement with the superintendent.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to make a recommendation to the board annually on vacation and personal leave for classified employees.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 1C.1-.2; 4.1(34); 20.9 (2001).

Cross Reference:  409.1    Licensed Employee Vacations - Holidays - Personal Leave
                                    601.1    School Calendar

Approved 12-15-03                        
Reviewed 09-19-0503-19-0707-11-11; 04-06-16
Revised 10-18-05; 08-15-11