Board Minutes 2023.12.13
Board Minutes 2023.12.13The Gilmore City-Bradgate CSD Board of Directors held their Regular Meeting on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, in the Board Room, 402 SE E Ave, Gilmore City, IA 50541.
The meeting was called to order at 5:32 pm by President Tawny Hoover. The following members were present: Devin Ellrich, Marsha Habben, and Logan Peters. Absent Tracy Dickey
Visitors: Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson, Board Secretary Crystal Eggers, Principal Johanna Cooper, Abbi Telford, April Smith, Cathy Ohnemus, and Jessica Nickman.
All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.
Approve Agenda: Habben moved to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Peters. Motion carried.
Open Public Forum: No comments
Educational News: Principal Johanna Cooper updated the board on the commendable growth students demonstrated in their reading goals from fall to winter assessments. Growth by grade: Kindergarten – 98%, 1st Grade – 31%, 2nd Grade - 54%, 3rd Grade – 72%, 4th Grade – 125%, 5th Grade – 158%, 6th Grade – 192%. Collective average growth was 84%. Great accomplishment by our students and staff!
Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson updated the board that the meeting tonight is essentially divided into two meetings, one for the old business and one for the newly organized board. He would like to congratulate Abbi and April on being elected and to thank Tawny and Tracy for your years of service to the district. Your leadership has been a great asset to the district.
Daycare: Darlene Box submitted her report to the board with updates that the daycare remains full and we have a waiting list. The daycare will be closed over Christmas break for deep cleaning and maintenance updates. Looking ahead to next year Darlene would like to look at closing July 1 – July 7 for summer maintenance.
Old Business: None
Consent Agenda: Ellrich moved to Approve Consent Agenda. Approve Minutes; Approve Warrants, Approve Financial Reports as presented, Open Enrollments as presented, Fundraisers as presented, 2nd Reading of Board Policies: 402.02, 405.02, 503.07, 503.07E1, 503.07E2, 605.01, 605.01R1, 605.02, 605.03, 605.03R1, 605.03E5, 605.05, 605.07R1. Seconded by Habben. Motion Carried.
Habben moved to adjourn the 2022-2023 School Board at 5:41 pm. Seconded by Peters. Motion Carried.
______________________________________ ________________________________
Tawny Hoover, President Crystal Eggers, Secretary
The Gilmore City-Bradgate CSD Board of Directors held their Organizational Meeting on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, in the Board Room, 402 SE E Ave, Gilmore City, IA 50541.
The meeting was called to order at 5:42 pm by Board Secretary Crystal Eggers.
The board reviewed the election results.
Board Secretary Eggers administered the Oath of Office the Newly Elected & Re-Elected Board Members: Abbi Telford, April Smith, and Devin Ellrich.
The following members were present: Devin Ellrich, Marsha Habben, Logan Peters, April Smith, and Abbi Telford.
Visitors: Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson, Board Secretary Crystal Eggers, Principal Johanna Cooper, Cathy Ohnemus, and Jessica Nickman.
All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.
Approve Agenda: Habben moved to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Peters. Motion carried.
New Business
Motion made by Habben to nominate Devin Ellrich as Board President. Seconded by Peters. Habben requested all nominations to cease. Ellrich was voted President by unanimous vote with Ellrich abstaining from voting. Motion carried.
Board Secretary Eggers administered the Oath of Office to newly elected President Ellrich. Ellrich took over the meeting as Board President.
Motion made by Peters to nominate Habben as Vice President. Seconded by Telford. Peters requested all nominations to cease. Habben was voted Vice President by unanimous vote with Habben abstaining from voting. Motion carried.
Board Secretary Eggers administered the Oath of Office to the re-elected Vice President Habben.
The board took time to sign up for various committees for the upcoming year.
1st Reading Board Policies: 607.02, 607.02R1, 402.03, 402.05
Habben moved to accept the resignation from Rachel Wood in the daycare. Seconded by Peters. Motion carried.
Habben moved to approve hiring Melissa Johnson for the daycare. Seconded by Telford. Motion carried.
Habben moved to adjourn at 5:57 pm. Seconded by Peters. Motion Carried.
______________________________________ ________________________________
Devin Ellrich, President Crystal Eggers, Secretary