Board Minutes 2024.03.13
Board Minutes 2024.03.13The Gilmore City-Bradgate CSD Board of Directors held their Regular Meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, in the Board Room, 402 SE E Ave, Gilmore City, IA 50541.
The meeting was called to order at 5:33 pm by President Devin Ellrich. The following members were present: Marsha Habben, Logan Peters, April Smith, and Abbi Telford. Absent: None
Visitors: Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson, Board Secretary Crystal Eggers, Principal Johanna Cooper, Daycare Director Darlene Box, Hannah Koppenhaver, and Adalynn Koppenhaver.
All motions are unanimously approved unless noted.
Approve Agenda: Habben moved to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Peters. Motion carried.
Open Public Forum: No comments
Educational News: Principal Johanna Cooper updated the board that ISASP testing will take place between April 8th and April 30th. More information and a testing schedule will be sent to parents through JMC. The conditions of learning survey will be opening April 1st through April 30th. It is important that our students participate but it is not mandatory. Students can opt out of it. Parents and staff are also able to participate in the survey. This survey is used to improve safety, student engagement, and the overall learning environment. The SIAC committee met today. There have been some changes in the cafeteria aimed at ensuring the well-being of students and staff. We are offering a wider variety of nutritious options to help with the health of our school community.
Superintendent Dr. Bob Olson updated the board that West Bend-Mallard hired Tiffany Morey as our new Pre – 8th Grade principal. She will be replacing Paul Peppmeier who is the new Superintendent for next year. There were 12 applicants for the position. The board interviewed two excellent candidates. West Bend is looking to remodel the current wrestling room into more classrooms. The wrestling club in Gilmore City is willing to lease their space for our middle school and high school program to practice until we get a facility built or figured out where they will go.
Daycare: Crystal Eggers updated the board that the daycare received a grant from the state for $42,000.00.
Old Business: None
Consent Agenda: Smith moved to Approve Consent Agenda. Approve Minutes, Approve Warrants, Approve Financial Reports as presented, Open Enrollments as presented, Fundraisers as presented, 2nd Reading of Board Policies: 502.07, 505.04, 605.06, 605.06R1. Seconded by Telford. Motion Carried.
New Business
1st Reading Board Policies: 209.02, 405.08, 501.03, 505.08, 505.08R1
Telford moved to approve the changes to the Daycare Handbook. Seconded by Habben. Motion carried.
Public Hearing for FY2025 Budget was set for April 17th at 5:30 pm
Public Hearing for 2024-2025 School Calendar was set for April 17th at 5:30 pm
It was resolved by Marsha Habben that the Board of Directors of Gilmore City-Bradgate CSD, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Seconded by April Telford. Motion carried unanimously.
Habben moved to approve the 3 year contract with Timberline. Seconded by Peters. Motion carried
Habben moved to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement. Seconded by Peters. Motion carried.
Smith moved to approve Early Retirement policy. Seconded by Telford. Motion carried.
Habben moved to approve the 2nd Grade field trip to Boone based on it having to do with their curriculum. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried.
Habben moved to accept the resignation from Sasha Aageson as an Elementary Teacher effective the end of the school year. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried.
Habben moved to accept the resignation from Hannah Quintus as an Elementary Teacher effective the end of the school year. Seconded by Telford. Motion carried.
Habben moved to accept the resignation of Kelsey Mersch as Para Professional. Seconded by Peters. Motion carried.
Habben moved to approve hiring Rachel Woods and Madison McRunnel as daycare workers. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried.
Motion made by Habben to enter Exempt Session per Iowa Code 20.17(3) – Negotiations Strategy at 6:12 pm. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried.
Motion made by Habben to exit Exempt Session per Iowa Code 20.17(3) – Negotiations Strategy at 6:55 pm. Seconded by Smith. Motion carried.
Telford moved to adjourn at 6:55 pm. Seconded by Habben. Motion Carried.
______________________________________ ________________________________
Devin Ellrich, President Crystal Eggers, Secretary