Board Agenda 2023.09.13

Board Agenda 2023.09.13

Gilmore City-Bradgate Board of Directors
Regular Board Meeting
GCB Board Room
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 – 5:30 pm

Tentative Agenda


Regular Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call to Determine Quorum
  3. Approve Agenda
  4. Open Forum
  5. Educational News
    1. Principal Informational News
    2. Superintendent Informational News
    3.  Daycare Information News
  6. Old Business
  7. Consent Agenda
    1. Approve Minutes
    2. Approve Warrants
    3. Approve Financial Reports
    4. Approve Open Enrollments
    5. Approve Fundraisers
    6. Approve 2nd Reading of Board Policies
      401.10 – Credit and Procurement Cards
      407.01 – Licensed Employee Resignation
      407.02 – Licensed Employee Contract Release
      407.03 – Licensed Employee Retirement
      407.04 – Licensed Employee Suspension
    7. 1st Reading of Board Policies
      408.02 – Licensed Employee Publications or Creation of Materials
      408.03 – Licensed Employee Tutoring
      409.01 – Employee Vacation - Holidays
      409.02 – Employee Leaves of Absence
  8. New Business
    1. Approval of Bank Iowa in Gilmore City ($5,000,000) as the official banking depositories for the district for the 2023-2024 school year with limits listed.
    2. Appoint School Attorney for the 2023-2024 school year
    3. Discuss / Approve Official Publication
    4. Appointment of Delegate to IASB Delegate Assembly
  9. Motion and 2nd to move to Closed Session – Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5 (1)c to discuss with counsel matters currently in litigation
  10. Personnel
    1. Resignations
      1. Para Professional / Daycare Employee
    2. Contracts
      1. Daycare Employee
      2. Para Professional
  11. Adjourn… Tue, 06/18/2024 - 17:18