604 - Alternative Programs
604 - Alternative Programs dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 08/25/2023 - 15:06604.1 - Competent Private Instruction
604.1 - Competent Private InstructionIn the event a child of compulsory attendance age, over age six and under age sixteen, does not attend public school or an accredited nonpublic school the child must receive competent private instruction.
A parent choosing competent private instruction for a student must notify the school district prior to the first day of school on forms provided by the school district. The forms are available in the central administration office. One copy of the completed forms will be kept by the school district and another copy will be forwarded to the area education agency.
The superintendent will determine whether the completed form is in compliance with the law. Specifically, the superintendent will determine whether the individual providing the instruction is either the student’s parent, guardian, legal custodian or an Iowa licensed practitioner; whether the licensed practitioner’s license is appropriate for the age and grade level of the student; that the student is being instructed a minimum of one hundred and forty-eight days per year; that immunization evidence is provided for students placed under competent private instruction for the first time and that the report is timely filed.
The school district will report noncompliance with the reporting, immunization, attendance, instructor qualifications, and assessment requirements of the compulsory attendance law to the county attorney of the county of residence of the student’s parent, guardian or custodian.
Students receiving competent private instruction are eligible to request open enrollment to another school district. Prior to the request for open enrollment, the student will request dual enrollment in the resident district. The receiving district will not bill the resident district unless the receiving district complies with the reporting requirements. If the parent, guardian or custodian fails to comply with the compulsory attendance requirements, the receiving district will notify the resident district. The resident district will then report the noncompliance to the county attorney of the county of residence of the parent, guardian or custodian.
Students receiving competent private instruction from a parent, guardian or legal custodian must be evaluated annually by May 1 unless such person is properly licensed. The parent, guardian or legal custodian may choose either a standardized test approved by the Iowa Department of Education or a portfolio evaluation. If the parent, guardian or legal custodian chooses standardized testing and the student is dual enrolled, the school district will pay for the cost of the standardized test and the administration of the standardized test. If the student is not dual enrolled, the parent, guardian or legal custodian will reimburse the school district for the cost of the standardized test and the administration of the standardized test. If a parent, guardian or legal custodian of a student receiving competent private instruction chooses portfolio assessment as the means of annual assessment, the portfolio evaluator must be approved by the superintendent. Portfolio evaluators must hold a valid Iowa practitioner’s license or teacher certificate appropriate to the ages and grade levels of the children whose portfolios are being assessed. No annual evaluation is required for students receiving competent private instruction from an appropriately licensed or certified Iowa practitioner.
Upon the request of a parent, guardian or legal custodian of a student receiving competent private instruction or upon referral of a licensed practitioner who provides instruction or instructional supervision of a student under competent private instruction, the school district will refer a student who may require special education to the area education agency, Division of Special Education, for evaluation.
Students in competent private instruction must make adequate progress. Adequate progress includes scoring at the thirtieth percentile on a standardized test or a report by the portfolio evaluator indicating adequate progress. Students who fail to make adequate progress under competent private instruction provided by the student’s parent, guardian or legal custodian will attend an accredited public or nonpublic school beginning the next school year. The parent, guardian or legal custodian of a student who fails to make adequate progress may apply to the director of the Department of Education for approval of continued competent private instruction under a remediation plan.
The remediation plan is for no more than one year. Before the beginning of the school year, the student may be re-tested and if the student achieves adequate progress the student may remain in competent private instruction
Legal Reference: Iowa Code § 256.11; 279.10, .11; 299.1-.6, .11, .15, .24, 299A (2001).
281 I.A.C. 31.
Cross Reference: 501 Student Attendance
502 Student Rights and Responsibilities
503 Student Activities
507.1 Student Health and Immunization Certificates
604.8 Dual Enrollment
604.10 Dual Enrollment
Approved 01-15-90
Reviewed 11-18-91; 11-15-93; 04-10-03; 11-17-08; 02-21-12; 05-11-16
Revised 12-16-91; 12-20-93; 05-19-03
604.1E - Competent Private Instruction Report
604.1E - Competent Private Instruction ReportCOMPETENT PRIVATE INSTRUCTION REPORT
________ - ________ SCHOOL YEAR
Required information: See instructions before completing.
The following information is required in accordance with Iowa Code section 299.4. Parent/Guardian must submit this report in duplicate to the school district of resident. This report is required if the student is between the ages of 6 and 16 by September 15 and does not attend an Iowa public or accredited nonpublic school or is not enrolled in a home school assistance program operated by an Iowa public or accredited nonpublic school. Return this form to the school district secretary by the first day of school or within 14 calendar days of removing the student from a public or accredited nonpublic school or 14 calendar days from moving into the school district.
(If you are enrolled in a home school assistance program please notify the district if you plan to dual enroll.)
Child and Family Information:
- Name and birth date of child under competent private instruction.
(Name) (Birth Date)
- Name and address of person filing report.
_ ___Parent ___Guardian ___Legal Custodian
(Address, City, Zip) Phone Number (optional)
- Immunization Information: If filing Form A for the 1st time, attach immunization information.
Instruction Program Information:
- Outline the course of study either in the space or on a separate page(s). Attach lesson plans on separate page(s).
Subject Text and Publisher or Author Time Spent
- List number of days of instruction under competent private instruction __________
(must be at least 148 days, Iowa code section 199A.1).
- If an Iowa licensed teacher will provide or supervise the parent, guardian or legal custodian in providing the instruction, give the teacher’s name and folder number.
(Name) (Teacher folder number)
(Address) (Teacher signature-optional)
(City/State/Zip) (Phone number-optional)
- If an Iowa licensed teacher is not providing instruction or supervising the parent, guardian, or legal custodian providing instruction the child must take an annual assessment unless the child is enrolled in an accredited correspondence school. To date the Iowa Department of Education is not aware of any accredited schools (Please see the acceptable annual assessments on page 14. The school district will notify parents by October 1st of testing dates.)
- If the child is currently identified as a child requiring special education prior approval must be sought from the special education director at the Area Education Agency if this is the first year that the child will be receiving Competent Private Instruction in Iowa. Iowa Code section 299A.9
The Following Information is Optional, however
If your child plans to participate in any academic or extracurricular activities at your local school district or to have your child’s annual assessment provided at no charge,
complete the following:
- Do you desire dual enrollment in the public school for the child under competent private instruction:
Yes __________ No __________ (If no, skip to #10.)
- Dual enrollment is desired for:
Academic _____ Extra-curricular activities _____ Testing _____ (Check all that apply)
- Grade Level for the ________ - ________ school year __________
- Subjects or Activities you wish your child to dual enroll in:
1st Semester 2nd Semester
- Do you desire to enroll in a Home School Assistance Program if offered? Yes _____ No _____
Deadline for dual enrollment and/or Home School Assistance Program is September 15, within 14 calendar days after moving to the district, or within 14 calendar days after removing the child from school.
Note: Due to the restrictions as to the number of students who may be served in a Home School Assistance Program, Timely filed requests may be denied if the program already serves 20 families or 40 students. 281-IAC 31.3(3)
604.2 - Individualized Instruction
604.2 - Individualized InstructionThe board's primary responsibility in the management of the school district is the operation and delivery of the regular education program. Generally, students attending the school district will receive the regular education program offered by the district. Only in exceptional circumstances will the board approve students receiving individualized instruction at the expense of the school district.
Recommendations from the superintendent for individualized instruction will state the need for the instruction, the objectives and goals sought for the instruction, the employee requirements for the instruction, the implementation procedures for the instruction and the evaluation procedures and processes that will be used to assess the value of the instruction.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations for individualized instruction.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 256.11; 279.8, .10, .11; 280.3, .14; 299.1-.6, .11, .15, .24; 299A (2001).
Cross Reference: 501.12 Pregnant Students
604.1 Competent Private Instruction
Approved 01-15-90
Reviewed 04-10-03; 11-17-08; 02-21-12; 05-11-16
Revised 05-19-03
604.3 - Program for Talented and Gifted Students
604.3 - Program for Talented and Gifted StudentsThe board recognizes some students require programming beyond the regular education program. The board will identify students with special abilities and provide education programming.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop a talented and gifted program which provides for identifying students, for program evaluation, and for training of employees.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 257.42-.49 (2001).
281 I.A.C. 12.5(12); 59.
Cross Reference: 505 Student Scholastic Achievement
604.7 Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution
Approved 01-15-90
Reviewed 04-10-03; 11-17-08; 02-21-12; 05-11-16
Revised 05-19-03
604.4 - Program for At-Risk Students
604.4 - Program for At-Risk StudentsThe board recognizes some students require additional assistance in order to graduate from the regular education program. The board will provide a plan to encourage and provide an opportunity for at-risk students to achieve their potential and obtain their high school diploma.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop a plan for students at-risk which provides for identifying students, for program evaluation, and for the training of employees.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 257.38-.41; 280.19, .19A (2001).
281 I.A.C. 12.5(13); 33; 61; 65.
Cross Reference: 505 Student Scholastic Achievement
607.1 Student Guidance and Counseling Program
Approved 01-15-90
Reviewed 04-10-03; 11-17-08; 02-21-12; 05-11-16
Revised 05-19-03
604.5 - Religious-Based Exclusion from a School Program
604.5 - Religious-Based Exclusion from a School ProgramParents who wish to have their child excluded from a school program because of religious beliefs must inform the superintendent. The board authorizes the administration to allow the exclusion if it is not disruptive to the education program and it does not infringe on a compelling state or educational interest. Further, the exclusion must not interfere with other school district operations.
In notifying the superintendent, the parents will abide by the following:
· The notice is in writing;
· The objection is based on religious beliefs;
· The objection will state which activities or studies violate their religious beliefs;
· The objection will state why these activities or studies violate their religious beliefs; and
· The objection will state a proposed alternate activity or study.
The superintendent will have discretion to make this determination. The factors the superintendent will consider when a student requests to be excluded from a program or activity because of religious beliefs include, but are not limited to, staff available to supervise a student who wishes to be excluded, space to house the student while the student is excluded, available superintendent-approved alternative course of study or activity while the student is excluded, number of students who wish to be excluded, whether allowing the exclusion places the school in a position of supporting a particular religion, and whether the program or activity is required for promotion to the next grade level or for graduation.
Students who are allowed to be excluded from a program or activity which violates their religious beliefs are required to do an alternate supervised activity or study.
Legal Reference: U.S. Const. amend. I.
Lee v. Weisman, 112 S.Ct. 2649 (1992).
Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602 (1971).
Graham v. Central Community School District of Decatur County, 608 F.Supp. 531 (S.D. Iowa 1985).
Iowa Code §§ 256.11(6); 279.8 (2001).
Cross Reference: 603 Instructional Curriculum
606.4 School Ceremonies and Observances
Approved 01-15-90
Reviewed 04-10-03; 11-17-08; 02-21-12; 05-11-16
Revised 05-19-03
604.6 - Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution
604.6 - Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational InstitutionStudents in grades nine through twelve may receive academic or vocational-technical credits that count toward the graduation requirements set out by the board for courses successfully completed in post-secondary educational institutions. The student may receive academic or vocational-technical credits through an agreement between a post-secondary educational institution or with the board's approval on a case-by-case basis.
Students in grades nine through twelve who successfully complete courses in post-secondary educational institutions under an agreement between the school district and the post-secondary educational institution will receive academic and vocational-technical credits in accordance with the agreement.
Students who have completed the eleventh grade but who have not completed the graduation requirements set out by the board may take up to seven semester hours of credit at a post-secondary educational institution during the summer months when school is not in session if the student pays for the courses. Upon successful completion of these summer courses, the students will receive academic or vocational-technical credit toward the graduation requirements set out by the board. Successful completion of the course is determined by the post-secondary educational institution. The board will have complete discretion to determine the academic credit to be awarded to the student for the summer courses.
The following factors are considered in the board's determination of whether a student will receive academic or vocational-technical credit toward the graduation requirements set out by the board for a course at a post-secondary educational institution:
· the course is taken from a public or accredited private post-secondary educational institution;
· a comparable course is not offered in the school district. A comparable course is one in which the subject matter or the purposes and objectives of the course are similar, in the judgment of the board, to a course offered in the school district;
· the course is in the discipline areas of mathematics, science, social sciences, humanities, vocational-technical education, or a course offered in the community college career options program;
· the course is a credit-bearing course that leads to a degree;
· the course is not religious or sectarian; and
· the course meets any other requirements set out by the board.
Students in grades eleven and twelve who take courses, other than courses taken under an agreement between the school district and the post-secondary educational institution, are responsible for transportation without reimbursement to and from the location where the course is being offered.
Ninth and tenth grade talented and gifted students and all students in grades eleven and twelve will be reimbursed for tuition and other costs directly related to the course up to $250. Students who take courses during the summer months when school is not in session are responsible for the costs of attendance for the courses.
Students who fail the course and fail to receive credit will reimburse the school district for all costs directly related to the course. Prior to registering for the course, students under age eighteen will have a parent sign a form indicating that the parent is responsible for the costs of the course should the student fail the course and fail to receive credit for the course. Students who fail the course and fail to receive credit for the course for reasons beyond their control, including, but not limited to, the student's incapacity, death in the family or a move to another district, may not be responsible for the costs of the course. The school board may waive reimbursement of costs to the school district for the previously listed reasons. Students dissatisfied with a school board's decision may appeal to the AEA for a waiver of reimbursement.
The superintendent is responsible for annually notifying students and parents of the opportunity to take courses at post-secondary educational institutions in accordance with this policy. The superintendent will also be responsible for developing the appropriate forms and procedures for implementing this policy.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 256.11, .11A; 261C; 279.8; 280.3, .14 (2011).
281 I.A.C. 12, 22.
Cross Reference: 505 Student Scholastic Achievement
604.3 Program for Talented and Gifted Students
Approved 01-15-90
Reviewed 03-16-92; 04-10-03; 11-17-08; 02-21-12; 05-11-16
Revised 04-20-92
604.7 - Dual Enrollment
604.7 - Dual EnrollmentThe parent, guardian, or custodian of a student receiving competent private instruction may also enroll the student in the school district. The student is considered under dual enrollment. The parent, guardian, or custodian requesting dual enrollment for the student should notify the board secretary prior to the third Friday of September each year on forms provided by the school district. On the form, they will indicate the extracurricular and academic activities in which the student is interested in participating. The forms are available at the central administration office.
A dual enrollment student is eligible to participate in the school district's extracurricular and academic activities in the same manner as other students enrolled in the school district. The policies and administrative rules of the school district will apply to the dual enrollment students in the same manner as the other students enrolled the school district. These policies and administrative rules will include, but not be limited to, athletic eligibility requirements, the good conduct rule, academic eligibility requirements, and payment of the fees required for participation.
A dual enrollment student whose parent, guardian, or custodian has chosen standardized testing as the form of the student's annual assessment will not be responsible for the cost of the test or the administration of the test.
The school district will notify the dual enrollment student of the extracurricular and academic activities in which the student wishes to participate.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8, 299A (2001).
281 I.A.C. 31.
Cross Reference: 502 Student Rights and Responsibilities
503 Student Discipline
504 Student Activities
507 Student Health and Well-Being
604.1 Competent Private Instruction
604.10 Home School Assistance Program
Approved 12-16-91
Reviewed 11-15-93; 04-10-03; 11-17-08; 02-21-12; 05-11-16
Revised 12-20-93; 04-19-03
604.8 - Foreign Students
604.8 - Foreign StudentsForeign students must meet all district entrance requirements including age, place of residence and immunization. Foreign students must be approved by the board. The board reserves the right to limit the number of foreign students accepted. Students who are citizens of a foreign country will be considered residents if they meet one of the following requirements:
· The student resides with his/her parents(s) or legal guardian;
· The student is in the United States with appropriate documentation (Form I-20) from the United States Department of Justice-Immigration and Naturalization Services; or
· The student is a participant in a recognized foreign exchange program; and
· The student is physically able to attend school and has provided the school district with such proof, including a current TB test.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code § 279.8 (2001).
Cross Reference: 501 Student Attendance
507.1 Student Health and Immunization Certificates
Approved 05-19-03
Reviewed 11-17-08; 02-21-12; 05-11-16
604.9 - Home School Assistance Program
604.9 - Home School Assistance ProgramThe board, recognizing alternatives to education outside the formal public school system, authorizes the establishment of a home school assistance program. This program will assist students receiving competent private instruction by providing licensed employees of the school district to assist the parent, guardian or legal custodian in the education of the student.
The parent, guardian or legal custodian registering for the home school assistance program will agree to comply with the requirements established by the faculty of the program.
Students registered for the home school assistance program will be counted in the basic enrollment.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 299A (2001).
281 I.A.C. 31.
Cross Reference: 504 Student Activities
507 Student Health and Well-Being
604.1 Competent Private Instruction
604.8 Dual Enrollment
Approved 05-19-03
Reviewed 11-17-08; 02-21-12; 05-11-16
604.10 - Virtual/Online Courses
604.10 - Virtual/Online CoursesThe board recognizes that on-line coursework may be a good alternative for students to not only meet graduation requirements but, also have the opportunity to take advanced or other courses not offered by the school district.
High school students may earn a maximum of _________ credits to be applied toward graduation requirements by completing on-line courses offered through agencies approved by the board, such as the Iowa On-Line Learning. Credit from an on-line or virtual course may be earned only in the following circumstances:
- The course is not offered at the high school;
- Although the course is offered at the high school, the student will not be able to take it due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict that would keep the student from meeting graduation requirements;
- The course will serve as a supplement to extend homebound instruction;
- The student has been expelled from the regular school setting, but educational services are to be continued; or
- The principal, with agreement from the student's teachers and parents, determines the student requires a differentiated or accelerated learning environment.
Students applying for permission to take a virtual course shall complete prerequisites and provide teacher/counselor recommendations to confirm the student possesses the maturity level needed to function effectively in an on-line learning environment. In addition, the express approval of the principal shall be obtained before a student enrolls in an on-line course. The school must receive an official record of the final grade before credit toward graduation will be recognized.
Provided courses are part of the student’s regular school day coursework and within budgetary parameters, the costs for a virtual course, such as textbooks or school supplies, shall be borne by the (pick one – school district, parents) for students enrolled full-time.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations to implement this policy.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code § 279.8 (2005)
281 I.A.C. 15
Cross Reference: 605.6 Internet Appropriate Use
501.6 Student Transfers In
Approved 11-17-08
Reviewed 02-21-12; 05-11-16