605.6E2 - Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice

605.6E2 - Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice

Student: __________________________________________________________________

Teacher: __________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________

Students who access inappropriate, objectionable, or restricted items on the Internet shall be subject to the following consequences:

_____ First Offense:
           The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing inappropriate, objectionable, or restricted material.  He/she will lose Internet
           access for a period of three (3) weeks.  A second offense will result in the student losing Internet access for a period of nine (9) weeks.  A reasonable attempt shall be
           made to contact the student’s parent/guardian, a copy of this notice shall be mailed to the parent/guardian by the building principal’s office and a copy of this notice
           shall be kept on file in the building principal’s office.

_____ Second Offense:
           The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for a second time.  As a consequence of this violation the
           above student has lost Internet access for a period of nine (9) weeks.  A reasonable attempt shall be made to contact the student’s parent/guardian, a copy of this
           notice shall be mailed to the parent/guardian by the building principal’s office and a copy of this notice shall be kept on file in the building principal’s office.

_____ Third Offense:
           The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for a third time.  As a consequence of this violation the
           above student has forfeited all Internet privileges for the remainder of the school year.  A reasonable attempt shall be made to contact the student’s parent/guardian, a
           copy of this notice shall be sent by registered mail to the student’s parent/guardian by the building principal’s office and a copy shall be kept on file in the building
           principal’s office.

Any student who has lost his/her Internet privileges by committing a “Third Offense” may at the beginning of the next regular school year petition the “Principal’s Advisory Committee,” or the “School Eligibility Committee” of the student’s attendance center to have his/her Internet privileges reinstated on a trial basis.  A “trial basis” places the student on probation for one year.  If during this one year time period the student commits an additional offense his/her Internet privileges will be permanently suspended for the remainder of his/her time as a student in the Gilmore City-Bradgate School.


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 08/25/2023 - 14:52